Ask An SEO: Is There Any SEO Benefit To Image Geolocation Data?

Is There Any SEO Benefit To Image Geolocation Data?

Our question today follows well from the one I addressed previously, which is all about metadata for images.

This time, it focuses specifically on one aspect of metadata: “Is there any SEO benefit to image geolocation data?”

Before I answer this question, it’s important that we all get on the same page about what geolocation data is.

What Is Image Geolocation Data?

Essentially, it’s code embedded in an image that gives details about where that image was taken or created.

The most common way of expressing this information is through EXIF or exchangeable image file format.

EXIF is a data format that includes information about how an image was captured. It can include aspects such as the size of the image in pixels, the settings the camera was set to when it took the image, and when the photo was taken.

EXIF data can also provide information on where the image was taken.

How You Can Find The Image Location Data

Not every photo you take or download will have metadata. If, for example, you have set your phone’s camera to not share the location of the images you take, then that data will be missing.

However, if you go to the file information of a photo, usually through a right-click on the image or tapping the menu accessible via the image, you should be able to see if a location has been recorded.

This will often be in the form of coordinates and may have a rough town or city based on those coordinates.

A warning, though: the location data can not only be deleted but also edited. Therefore, even if you find the location data for the image, its accuracy cannot be guaranteed.

In Theory, What Benefit Could Geolocation Data Have?

If we think about this logically, understanding what we’ve deduced about how search engines work, there are several areas where we could expect geolocation data to help with SEO.

Understanding The Image

In a similar way to structured data markup, we could expect the geolocation to give the search engines more contextual clues about the nature of the image.

For example, if the photo is of a mountain and the geolocation data puts the photographer at the base of Mount Everest, the search engines might deduce that the photo is of Mount Everest.

Relevancy For Landscapes/Location Imagery

By giving the search engines more context about the image, it may help them to identify its relevance to searches.

For example, understanding that this photo of a mountain was taken near Mount Everest may make it more relevant to image searches like “Mount Everest photo” and “base camp at Mount Everest.”

This would make logical sense, especially given what we know of how the search bots often use an image’s title and alt text to determine relevancy.

Local Search And Location Profiles

Location information would, in theory, be most important for local searches and location-specific business profiles like Google Business Profile and Bing Places.

Images are often uploaded to these profiles, and as such, geolocation data could enhance the local relevancy of the profiles.

A photo of the outside of a shop in Seattle with the geolocation data suggesting the photo was taken in Seattle would theoretically help to reinforce that the shop was relevant to searchers in Seattle.

What Evidence Do We Have That Geolocation Data Makes An Impact On SEO?

When we are considering how optimizations might impact ranking, crawling, indexing and other aspects of SEO, we need to ask ourselves if we have any evidence of it being impactful.

In the case of geolocation data impacting SEO, I can say that, no, unfortunately, there is none – beyond anecdotal, that is.

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