Google has defined a set of metrics site owners should focus on when optimizing for page experience. Core Web Vitals metrics are part of Google’s page experience factors that all websites should strive to meet.
Users’ expectations for web experiences can vary according to site and context, but some remain consistent regardless of where they are on the web.
Specifically, Google identifies the core user experience needs such as loading speed, interactivity, and visual stability.
What Are Core Web Vitals Scores?
Google recommends site owners have CWV metrics under the ‘good’ threshold specified below:
Metric name
Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)
Interaction to Next Paint (INP)
Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)
Anything in between good and poor is considered as moderate, which should be improved.
Diagram showing three Core Web Vitals performance metrics
Google explains why these three metrics, in particular, are so important:
“All of these metrics capture important user-centric outcomes, are field measurable, and have supporting lab diagnostic metric equivalents and tooling.
For example, while Largest Contentful Paint is the topline loading metric, it is also highly dependent on First Contentful Paint (FCP) and Time to First Byte (TTFB), which remain critical to monitor and improve.”
How Google Measures Core Web Vitals
Google CrUX report uses Chrome data when users browse websites to gather real-world user data from their devices. At least 75% of pageviews to the site should have ‘good’ scores for the website to meet CWV thresholds.
Please note it uses 75% of pageviews of the entire site, which means pages with poor CWV and less traffic will not impact the overall website score.
This is why you may find that websites with a ‘good’ score have pages with terrible CWVs and vice versa.
This method of measuring ensures that a low number of percentage visits due to slow network conditions doesn’t take down the entire website’s ‘good’ score.
Here’s how those metrics can be measured.
How To Measure Core Web Vitals
Google incorporates Core Web Vitals measurement capabilities into many of its existing tools.
Core Web Vitals can be measured using these free tools:
Let’s dive into how to use each of these free SEO tools to measure Core Web Vitals.
PageSpeed Insights
PageSpeed Insights allows you to measure Core Web Vitals with both lab and field data included in the reports.
The lab section of the report provides data gathered from real users’ devices in all geos and different network conditions, whereas the field section shows data from simulated devices using just one device.
Pagespeed insights report. Field vs. Lab data
If your pages have few visits or are new, there might be insufficient historical data for field data to show a report. In that case, the average field score for the entire website will be used as a fallback if available; otherwise, it will show no data.
CWV scores fall back to origin
No enough data
Once you run reports you will have a list of recommendations on how to improve your scores underneath. You can read our guide on the PageSpeed Insights report to learn how to use it.
Web Vitals Extension
Using the PageSpeed Insights tool is always a great way to debug and audit performance, but it is often not convenient. You have to open a new tab in your browser and navigate away from the page, which is distracting.
Fortunately, there is an extension available to install from the Chrome Web Store that measures Core Web Vitals metrics in real-time during your browsing and also loads field data if available.
Core Web Vitals scores
Besides this standard UI, this addon also offers more granular debugging opportunities via the browser DevTools ‘console’ tab. Here is a quick video guide on how to do that.
Debugging the Interaction Next Paint metric is quite challenging as it may degrade at any point during the user interaction journey. In PageSpeed Insights, you get only an average value across all interactions, not which interaction on the specific element on the page was slow.
By using this extension, you can interact with the page and identify elements that degrade the INP metric by checking the console logs. For example, you can click on buttons and check the console to see how long the interaction took.
As soon as you identify which element is slow to respond, you can check your JavaScript code to see if any scripts are blocking the interaction.
Lighthouse is an open-source tool you can use to audit your webpage’s performance, which is also available in Chrome’s DevTools.
All of the reports that Lighthouse powers are updated to reflect the latest version.
Example lighthouse report in chrome browser DevTools
One caveat to be aware of is that when running Lighthouse in your browser, it also loads many resources from your Chrome extensions, which can affect your metrics in the Lighthouse report.
The message indicated issues with the Lighthouse run and specifically mentioned that Chrome extensions negatively impacted the page’s load performance.
That’s why I suggest using Chrome Canary for debugging as a good practice. Chrome Canary has an isolated installation from your regular Chrome browser where you can access experimental features. This allows you to test your website with features that will be included in future Chrome releases.