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How to Leverage AI Video Enhancements

Earlier this year, Google introduced new AI features into its Google Ads platform to help streamline work for many advertisers.

One of those new features comes in the form of AI video enhancements.

This is no surprise since video makes up over 65% of all internet traffic.

Read on to learn more about the AI video enhancements tutorial and how they can help streamline your PPC campaign optimization.

How do AI Video Enhancements Work?

In Google Ads, the AI video enhancement tool uses smart automation features to enhance your videos in a variety of ways.

It’s important to note that video enhancements are turned on by default but can easily be turned off at any time.

The feature can be found within your Google Ads campaign settings.

If you’re creating a new Google Ads campaign, this setting will only be available if you choose “Sales” as the goal and “Video” as the campaign type.

From there, go down to “Additional settings” to find the AI video enhancements settings:

Types of Enhancements Available

Google’s new AI video enhancements provide marketers with two areas to optimize current video assets.

#1: Additional video sizes and ratios

The first enhancement type can take existing horizontal videos and create additional versions for vertical and square ratios for optimal viewing.

The new ratio sizes that Google can create include:

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