Google’s Documentation Update Contains Hidden SEO Insights

Google’s Documentation Update Contains Hidden SEO Insights

Screenshot Of Google’s More Effective Image

The other thing this change accomplishes is that it removes the phrase “job experience” and replaces it with a sentence that aligns with the apparent goal of making this page about the Occupation structured data.

This is the new text:

“Adding Occupation structured data makes your content eligible to appear in the estimated salary rich result in Google Search results:”

Third change: Replace Confusing Sentence

The third change corrected a sentence that was grammatically incorrect and confusing.

Original version:

“You must include the required properties for your content to be eligible for display the job experience on Google and rich results.”

Google corrected the grammar error, made the sentence specific to the ‘estimated salary’ rich result, and removed the reference to Job Experience, aligning it more strongly with estimated salary rich results.

This is the updated version:

“You must include the required properties for your content to be eligible for display in the estimated salary rich result.”

Three Examples For Updating Web Pages

On one level the changes were literally about removing the focus on one topic and reinforcing a slightly different one. On another level it’s an example of giving users a better experience by communicating more precisely. Writing for humans is not just a creative art, it’s also a technical one. All writers, even novelists, understand that the craft of writing is technical because one of the most important factors is communicating ideas. Other issues like being comprehensive or fancy don’t matter as much as the communication part.

I think that the revisions Google made fits into what Google means when it says to make content for humans not search engines.

Read the updated documentation here:

Estimated salary (Occupation) structured data

Compare it to the archived original version.

Featured Image by Shutterstock/Lets Design Studio

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