Google Shows How To Block Bots And Boost Site Performance

Google Shows How To Block Bots And Boost Site Performance

Three Reasons Why Contacting Resource Providers Won’t Work

1. Many Bots Are Hidden

Bots often use VPNs and open source “Tor” networks that hide the source of the bots, defeating all attempts of identifying the cloud services or web host providing the infrastructure for the bots. Hackers also hide behind compromised home and business computers, called botnets to launch their attacks. There’s no way to identify them.

2. Bots Switch IP Addresses

Some bots respond to IP blocking by instantly switching to a different network to immediately resume their attack. An attack can originate from a German server and when blocked will switch to a network provider in Asia.

3. Inefficient Use Of Time

Contacting network providers about abusive users is futile when the source of the traffic is obfuscated or from hundreds of sources. Many site owners and SEOs might be surprised to discover how intensive the attacks on their websites are. Even taking action against a small group of offenders is an inefficient use of time because there are literally millions of other bots that will replace the ones blocked by a cloud provider.

And what about botnets made up of thousands of compromised computers around the world? Think you have time to notify all of those ISPs?

Those are three reasons why notifying infrastructure providers is not a viable approach to stopping bots that impact site performance. Realistically, it’s a futile and inefficient use of time.

Use A WAF To Block Bots

Using a Web Application Firewall (WAF) is a good idea and that’s the function that Martin Splitt suggests when he mentioned using a CDN (content delivery network). A CDN, like Cloudflare, sends browsers and crawlers the requested web page from a server that’s located closest to them, speeding up site performance and reducing server resources for the site owner.

A CDN also has a WAF (Web Application Firewall) which automatically blocks malicious bots. Martin’s suggestion for using a CDN is definitely a good option, especially because it has the additional benefit of improving site performance.

An option that Martin didn’t mention is to use a WordPress plugin WAF like Wordfence. Wordfence has a WAF that automatically shuts down bots based on their behavior. For example, if a bot is requesting ridiculous amounts of pages it will automatically create a temporary IP block. If the bot rotates to another IP address it will identify the crawling behavior and block it again.

Another solution to consider is a SaaS platform like Sucuri that offers a WAF and a CDN to speed up performance. Both Wordfence and Sucuri are trustworthy providers of WordPress security and they come with limited but effective free versions.

Listen to the question and answer at the 6:36 minute mark of the Google SEO Office Hours podcast:

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