Google Expands Structured Data Support for Product Certifications

Google Expands Structured Data Support for Product Certifications

Implementation Guidelines

Google has provided examples in its updated documentation to guide webmasters in implementing the new Certification markup.

These examples include specifying certifications such as CO2 emission classes for vehicles and energy efficiency labels for electronics.

The structured data should be added to product pages using JSON-LD format, with the Certification type nested within the product’s structured data.

Review the full documentation to ensure proper implementation.

Including certification information in structured data could lead to more informative product listings, potentially influencing user click-through rates and purchase decisions.

For consumers, this update means access to more detailed and standardized product information directly in search results, particularly regarding certifications and compliance with various standards.

Next Steps

Website owners and SEO professionals should take the following steps:

Review current use of EnergyConsumptionDetails in product structured data.
Plan for the transition to the Certification type before April.
Implement the new Certification markup on product pages, following Google’s guidelines.
Test the implementation using Google’s Rich Results Test tool.

As with any significant change to structured data implementation, it is advisable to monitor search performance and rich result appearances after making these updates.

Featured Image: lilik ferri yanto/Shutterstock

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