Google Confirms AI Overviews Affected By Core Updates

Google Confirms AI Overviews Affected By Core Updates

The Impact Of Core Updates

Core updates are broad changes to Google’s search algorithms and systems, typically rolled out several times a year.

These updates are intended to improve the quality of search results by reassessing how content is evaluated and ranked.

Google’s most recent core update, launched on August 15, is still rolling out. The company advises waiting until the update is finished before analyzing the impact.

Looking Ahead

As Google keeps integrating AI into search, publishers need more clarity around how core algorithm updates impact these features.

Mueller’s confirmation helps, but there’s still a lot we don’t know. There are still many questions about what makes content show up in AI overviews and whether it’s different from what makes websites rank high in regular search results.

Featured Image: Veroniksha/Shutterstock

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