FTC: GoDaddy Hosting Was “Blind” To Security Threats

GoDaddy Hosting Was “Blind” To Security Threats

“Prohibit GoDaddy from making misrepresentations about its security and the extent to which it complies with any privacy or security program sponsored by a government, self-regulatory, or standard-setting organization, including the EU-U.S. and Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield Frameworks;

Require GoDaddy to establish and implement a comprehensive information-security program that protects the security, confidentiality, and integrity of its website-hosting services; and

Mandate that GoDaddy hire an independent third-party assessor who conducts an initial and biennial review of its information-security program.”

Read the FTC statement:

FTC Takes Action Against GoDaddy for Alleged Lax Data Security for Its Website Hosting Services

Featured Image by Shutterstock/Photo For Everything

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