Google’s Updated Machine Learning Courses Build SEO Understanding

Google’s Updated Machine Learning Courses Build SEO Understanding

Google has updated its machine learning crash course with new videos and modules on large language models and automated machine learning. These courses are useful introductions to the technologies behind modern search engines and generative AI, information that will make you a better SEO.

What Is Google’s Machine Learning Crash Course?

Google’s machine learning course is an easy to understand introduction to machine learning. It shows what machine learning is all about and how it can be useful to you and your business.

The different courses are self-contained in modules, beginning with introductions to the fundamentals of Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, and Binary Classification Models

The other modules cover:

How to work with machine learning data
Advanced Machine Learning Models
Introductions to Neural Networks, Embeddings, and Large Language Models
Real-world ML
These modules cover best practices for deploying machine learning models in the real world.

The new course adds topics that include:

Large language models

New Large Language Model (LLM) Module

The Large Language Models module is a new addition to the courses and is a good way to get up to speed fast with the technology and be conversant about it.

Google’s documentation shows what students learn with the module:

“Define a few different types of language models and their components.

Describe how large language models are created and the importance of context and parameters.

Identify how large language models take advantage of self-attention.

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