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Mastering AI and marketing: A beginner’s guide

Mastering AI and marketing: A beginner’s guide

Welcome to the first installment of our article series on artificial intelligence (AI) for marketing beginners. This aims to demystify AI, providing foundational knowledge and practical insights on how AI can help your marketing efforts. 

This introductory article explores AI and why it’s significant and highlights key milestones. I’ll also share actionable steps you can take to start integrating AI into your marketing strategy.

What is AI?

Artificial intelligence or AI, refers to the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, particularly computer systems. 

These processes include:

Learning (the acquisition of information and rules for using the information).

Reasoning (using rules to reach approximate or definite conclusions).


In the context of marketing, AI involves using data and algorithms to predict, analyze and enhance marketing strategies and decisions.

Why is AI significant in marketing?

AI is incredibly important in marketing. It helps marketers connect better with their audience, run more effective campaigns and improve ROI. 

Here are a few key reasons why AI is crucial for modern marketing:


AI enables highly personalized marketing experiences by analyzing consumer data and behavior.

This means tailored content, product recommendations and targeted ads that resonate more with individual consumers.


AI automates repetitive tasks such as data analysis, email marketing and social media posting, freeing up valuable time for marketers to focus on strategy and creativity.

Predictive analytics

AI-powered tools can forecast future trends and consumer behavior, allowing marketers to make data-driven decisions and stay ahead of the competition.

Enhanced customer experience

AI-driven chatbots and virtual assistants provide instant, personalized responses to customer inquiries, improving overall customer satisfaction and engagement.

Cost savings

By optimizing ad spend and reducing the need for manual labor, AI helps businesses save money while achieving better results.

The future of AI

Before we delve into the historical milestones of AI, it’s important to understand where the technology is heading. 

The ultimate goal of AI research is to develop general artificial intelligence (GAI), also known as strong AI or artificial general intelligence (AGI).

General AI refers to a hypothetical form of AI that could think and learn like a human, unlike today’s AI systems, which are designed for specific tasks (narrow AI).

Although general AI is an exciting idea, we’re not there yet. The AI tools transforming marketing today are still narrow AI. Each advancement in AI brings us closer to the potential of general AI.

Key milestones in the development of AI

Understanding the historical development of AI gives us a deeper appreciation of its capabilities and future potential. Here are some significant milestones in AI’s evolution:

1950s: The birth of AI

The term “artificial intelligence” was coined by John McCarthy in 1956 during the Dartmouth Conference. 

This period saw the development of the first AI programs, including the Logic Theorist and the General Problem Solver.

1960s: Early research and development

The 1960s marked significant advancements in AI research, with the creation of the first neural networks and the development of ELIZA, an early natural language processing program.

1980s: The rise of expert systems

AI research gained momentum with the advent of expert systems, which mimicked human decision-making processes. 

These systems were widely used in fields such as medicine and finance.

1990s: Machine learning emerges

The focus shifted to machine learning, a subset of AI that involves training algorithms to learn from data. 

Notable achievements include IBM’s Deep Blue defeating world chess champion Garry Kasparov in 1997.

2000s: Big data and AI integration

The explosion of big data in the 2000s fueled AI’s rapid growth. 

AI systems became more sophisticated, with applications in various industries, including marketing, healthcare and transportation.

2010s: Deep learning and AI everywhere

The 2010s witnessed the rise of deep learning, a more advanced form of machine learning. 

AI-powered technologies such as voice assistants (e.g., Siri, Alexa) and autonomous vehicles became mainstream.

2020s: AI in everyday life

Today, AI continues to evolve, with advancements in natural language processing (e.g., GPT-3), computer vision and more. 

AI is now an integral part of everyday life and business operations, revolutionizing how we interact with technology.

5 actionable steps for beginners

Now that you understand the basics of AI and its significance, here are some actionable steps to help you start integrating AI into your marketing efforts:

1. Explore AI tools 

Begin by exploring marketer-friendly AI tools such as:

HubSpot: Offers AI-powered marketing automation features.

Grammarly: Uses AI to improve your writing.

Canva: Has AI features for designing marketing materials.

ChatGPT: Can help generate content ideas and drafts.

Perplexity: Is an answer engine that aims to provide more contextualized and accurate answers compared to traditional search engines

2. Start with small projects

Implement AI in small, manageable projects. For example, use AI tools to:

Personalize email marketing campaigns.

Automate social media posting and analytics.

Analyze customer data for insights.

3. Use AI for content creation

Leverage AI to enhance your content creation process. Tools like and Jasper can help generate blog post ideas, write drafts and even create social media posts.

A word on AI hallucinations

AI hallucinations refer to instances where generative AI systems generate false or nonsensical information that appears plausible but has no basis in reality. 

This phenomenon is crucial to understand when using AI in marketing, as it can result in inaccurate content, misleading analytics or inappropriate customer interactions.

To mitigate this, always verify AI-generated content, use human oversight and choose reputable AI tools with built-in safeguards.

4. Learn and adapt

AI is constantly evolving. Stay updated with the latest trends and advancements by following reputable sources such as:

AI newsletters: Subscribe to newsletters like “The Algorithm” by MIT Technology Review.

Online courses: Enroll in AI and marketing courses on platforms like Coursera and Udemy.

5. Join AI communities and educate yourself

Engage with online communities and forums dedicated to AI and marketing. 

Platforms like Reddit and LinkedIn have groups where you can ask questions, share experiences and learn from others. 

I have found Medium to be a great resource for AI education. But if you ever want to play around with Midjourney, they have a ton of content on perfecting your prompts.

Prompt examples

It’s important to understand the structure and elements that make a prompt clear, specific and actionable for AI.

Here are key components and best practices:

Components of a prompt

Context: Provide background information or the scenario that sets up the prompt. This helps the AI understand the situation better.

Task: Clearly define the specific task you want the AI to perform. This can be a question, an instruction or a request for specific information.

Constraints/Instructions: Include any specific guidelines, limitations or instructions that the AI should follow while generating the response.

Examples (if necessary): Providing examples can help clarify what you’re looking for and guide the AI towards the desired outcome.

 Midjourney prompt: Image creation

“/imagine prompt: A compelling LinkedIn banner image, featuring a diverse team in a brainstorming session, whiteboard filled with ideas. Bright, inspiring colors, viewed from an overhead angle. Background of a modern office with large windows and natural light. Sharp details, dynamic lighting, collaborative ambiance. Created Using: digital photography, realism, high detail, natural lighting, dynamic composition, innovative atmosphere, hd quality –v 6.0”

ChatGPT prompt: Social media content ideas

“Our company, [COMPANY NAME], is launching a new product/service in [MONTH/YEAR]. Can you suggest some social media content ideas that will help us build buzz and generate interest among our target audience? Additionally, please create a 30-day content calendar that includes specific posts, themes and strategies to maximize engagement and anticipation leading up to the launch.”

ChatGPT prompt: Email ideation

“Can you generate three versions of a comprehensive series of educational emails for [MY COMPANY NAME] in the [INDUSTRY] industry on the topic of [TOPIC]? Each email should provide in-depth insights, actionable tips and practical advice that our subscribers will benefit from. Additionally, please include engaging subject lines, personalized greetings and clear calls to action to enhance engagement. Ensure the content is well-structured, informative and tailored to different segments of our audience, reflecting their varied needs and interests. The series should also align with the latest trends and best practices within the [INDUSTRY] industry.”

Dig deeper: Advanced AI prompt engineering strategies for SEO

Understanding the tech reshaping the marketing landscape

By learning the basics of AI and its significance and implementing these actionable steps, you’re already on the path to becoming a more informed and empowered marketer.

Embrace AI’s possibilities and get ready to elevate your marketing game to new heights.

Dig deeper: How AI will affect the future of search

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